The name of the Gumit Museum is the name of another rich museum, like the Louvre Museum. Emil Gumit, the prominent industrialist of France was behind the construction of the Gumit Museum. According to him, this museum has been named the Gimee Museum. He traveled to Japan, China, India, Egypt, Greece in 1876. He had hobbies to collect archives. As a result, during his travels, he collected a large number of archipelagoes. Which he later brought home to his homeland. And in 1879 a public museum was set up in a museum in France's own city. After the establishment of a museum in present-day Gumit in Paris, all the collections are moved here.
After nearly a decade of establishment, in 1889 the new museum of Gumit Museum began in Paris. The museum is specially arranged by the archives of the East and South Asian countries
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